


2023年11月22日 | 爺英語

The start of 2024 is still a couple of months away.
But a traditional ceramics maker in southern Japan is hard at work producing figurines for the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese zodiac.
Amakusa ceramics are designated as one of Japan's traditional crafts.
One maker in Reihoku, Kumamoto Prefecture, started turning out miniature dragons in early September.
Locally procured stones are used in the process. The head potter says he found it difficult to come up with the design because dragons are imaginary creatures.
He said he expects the figurines' compact size will appeal to many people.
(Kiyama Kentaro / Uchidasarayamayaki)
“We are working hard and hope that everyone will stay positive as the New Year approaches.”
The pottery plans to produce about 3,000 of the dragons.

figurine (金属や陶器の)小さい像  
Chinese zodiac十二支    

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/22)

2023年11月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
31426.apply to (応募する )
I've applied to three places today. 
31427.be unlikely that(~しそうにない)
He is unlikely to have forgotten.. 
31428.not much hope of(希望はない )
There is not so much hope of him passing that class
31429.stand a chance (チャンスがある )to be likely to be able to do something or to succeed
Our team doesn't stand a chance
31430.Not a chance(絶対にあり得ない
Will you give up?Not a chance


2023年11月21日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/21)

2023年11月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
31421.run over (〜を振り返る)to think about something
Let me run over our discussion so far. 
31422.to sum up(これまでに話をまとめる)to give the main information in a report, speech etc in a short statement at the end 類義語 summarize 
To sum up, it’s desirable to increase our production capacity. 
31423.the bottom line is (肝心なのは〜だ )used to tell someone what the most important part of a situation is, or what the most important thing to consider is 
The  bottom line is we provide the same environment telework as in the other. 
31424.get ~ into a good rhythm (〜をよりよいリズムにのせる )
We need to sell more to support them and get them a good rhythm
31425.The thing is(問題は、需要なのは~だspoken used when you are going to explain something, give the reason for something, or give an opinion
The thing is how we should convince our shareholders. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/20)

2023年11月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
31416.serious  (真面目なお付き合い  )
Are they just casually dating, or are they serious
31417.in most cases  (大抵の場合 )
If you have the receipt, you’ll get a refund or store credit in most cases
31418.rattle off  (スラスラと言う )
He knew all the temples in Kyoto and started rattling them off. 
31419.paranoid  (考えすぎる、心配する )believing unreasonably that you cannot trust other people, or that they are trying to harm you or have a bad opinion of you
I can’t eat anything raw. I’m paranoid that I’m going to get food poisoning. 
31420.attire 服装)clothes 
 Is it okay to wear casual attire to the company party? 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/19)

2023年11月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
31411.due(〜期日が来て、~すると期待されて )
The assignment is due by Friday. 
31412.indefinitely (無期限に)
The zoo decided to postpone its opening indefinitely
31413.discouraging (落胆させるような、やる気をそぐような )
It’s really discouraging that my English test score isn't improving.
31414.rough patch (難しい局面、倦怠期 )a period of time when you are having a lot of difficulty 
I'm going through a rough patch right now.
MY dad has been stewing since the Tigers lost to the Giants last night.

親があなたにしてくれたこと ~3つの問いかけで世界が変わる、「内観療法」入門~

2023年11月18日 | 読書日記





Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/18)

2023年11月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
31406.tip (内密の情報、有益なヒント)
The police are looking for tips to help identify the suspect. 
31407.predator (捕食者、略奪者 、肉食動物、容赦なく搾取する人)
Some animals stay completely still when a predator is nearby. 
31408.prey(餌食、獲物)an animal, bird etc that is hunted and eaten by another animal  
Not all predators are bigger than their prey. 
Many nocturnal predators have excellent eyesight. 
Applicants for the job numbered in the hundreds. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/17)

2023年11月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
31401.may or may not (そうかもしれないし、そうじゃないかもしれない)
She may or may not be late. 
31402.may well (可能性は充分にある)
You may well meet them. 
31403.Chance are (おそらく〜だろう )
Chance are  I'll be a bit late for the meeting because of a train delay.
31404.reveal (明らかにする、暴露する) to make known something that was previously secret or unknown 
Good magician never reveal their secret.
31405.spoiler(台なしにする人、甘やかす人 、ネタバレ
Spoiler alert:the villain is actually the hero's father. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/16)

2023年11月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
31396.in no time (すぐに)very soon or very quickly 
At this pace, we will finish the project in no time.
31397.in all likelihood almost certainly 
If I refused, it would in all likelihood mean I’d lose my job. 
31398.without a shadow of a doubt used to say that something is definitely true 
Without a shadow of a doubt, he’s the most talented player we have. 
31399.There’s a ~% chance of (〜 の可能性)
There’s a 60 % chance of rain this weekend.
31400.palm reader(手相占い師British English someone who claims they can tell what will happen to a person by looking at the lines on the palm of their hand 
Are you a palm reader?


2023年11月15日 | 爺英語

Japan's education and culture ministry has requested a court order to dissolve the religious group formerly known as the Unification Church.
On Friday, the ministry submitted about 5,000 pieces of evidence to the Tokyo District Court.
They were gathered through interviews with group members and other related people.
The decision to submit the request was made following a meeting with an advisory panel the day before.
Education and culture minister Moriyama Masahito said the group's practice of collecting donations and soliciting new members violated civil law and caused significant damage.
If the court order is granted, the group would lose its religious corporation and tax exemption status, but still be allowed to conduct religious activities.

solicit 多くの場合しつこく)勧誘する」や「(金銭、支援、情報などを)求める、懇願す  

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/15)

2023年11月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
31391.on my mom's side (母方)
He is my cousin on mu mom’s side. 
31392.years apart (歳違い)
How many years apart are you?. 
31393.momentum (運動量、はずみ、勢い、推進力 ) the ability to keep increasing, developing, or being more successful 
We expect the current momentum to continue . 
31394.deliver(〔約束・期待された結果などを〕果たす,実現する )
We have delivered another year of steady progress with improvement in both sales and operating profit.
31395.intensive(集中したinvolving a lot of activity, effort, or careful attention in a short period of time 
After a brief period of intensive training, I was allowed to make my first parachute jump.