丘の上APTでは、兒嶋画廊が中心となって、訪れる皆様が上質なアートに気軽に親しんで頂ける企画を提供しています。“APT on the hill” was built in 2014 where there used to be the studio of Zenzaburo KOJIMA (an oil painter 1893 - 1962), for providing people for great encounters with art. This place is named after “Apartment on the hill” which used to neighbor on, with an acronym of “Art, Perspective, and Textile”.
The building of “APT on the hill” itself is an architectural work named “Totan-no-Ie” by Terunobu FUJIMORI (an architect 1946 -). Its exterior is covered with galvanized steel plate like scaly pattern, and the interior is finished with plaster and woods, which let every visitors enjoy its texture and the atmosphere, and you can also enjoy “chocolate-house” by T.Fujimori neighboring to APT.
Gallery Kojima and cooperating artists gives various exhibitions and events at APT on the hill as the main base so that everyone can become familiar with art.チョコレートハウスとオープンアート空間「丘の上APT」~芸術と生活が一体となった地域に愛される場を~ | みんなの「ののわ」 | ののわ https://t.co/ysjyfsmMVR