異邦人 久保田早紀
Can you make ten copies of this, double-sided please?
14627.on number 3(3番で)
It is your client on number 3.
14628.how about(どうかな)
Okay, how about we have dinner this evening?
14629.Are you okay with(~は大丈夫)
Are you okay with seafood?
There s a delicious yakitori restaurant near here.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Can you make ten copies of this, double-sided please?
14627.on number 3(3番で)
It is your client on number 3.
14628.how about(どうかな)
Okay, how about we have dinner this evening?
14629.Are you okay with(~は大丈夫)
Are you okay with seafood?
There s a delicious yakitori restaurant near here.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News