

Daily Vocabulary(2013/11/11)

2013年11月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
15651.slow down(速度を落とす、遅くする)
Would you slow down, please?
14652.the wrong number(間違い電話)
I'm afraid you have the wrong number.
14653.hold on(そのままの状態を保つ)
I'd like to speak ti Mr. Suzuki.Hold on, please.
14654.stay on the line(電話を切らずにそのままにしていく)
Would you like to stay on the line
15655.put him on(電話=彼に繋ぐ)
Hold on please. I'll put him on.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


倉敷みらい公園 菊花展(2013/11/9)