19611.party at my place(ホームパーティ)
I 'm having a party at my place on Sunday.
19612.going-away party(送別会)
Where should we have the going-away party for Shawn.
19613.party for the new(~の歓迎会)
Ther is a party for the new new instructor on Wednesday.
19614.good for(都合がいい)
Is Sunday good for you?
19615.better for you(より都合のいい)
Which is better for you, <this week end or next.</font>
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I 'm having a party at my place on Sunday.
19612.going-away party(送別会)
Where should we have the going-away party for Shawn.
19613.party for the new(~の歓迎会)
Ther is a party for the new new instructor on Wednesday.
19614.good for(都合がいい)
Is Sunday good for you?
19615.better for you(より都合のいい)
Which is better for you, <this week end or next.</font>
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News