シバの女王 レーモン・ルフェーブル La Reine de Saba
19651.Suit yourself(ご自由に)
Okay, suit yourself!
19652.storage room(トランクルーム)
I guess we should look into renting a storage room.
19653.too much for(手に負えない)
It's too much for me.
19654.rethink one's game plan(作戦を練り直す)
Let's rethink our game plan.
19655.jump at the oppotunity(そのチャンスに飛びつく)
I decides to jump at the opportunity.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Okay, suit yourself!
19652.storage room(トランクルーム)
I guess we should look into renting a storage room.
19653.too much for(手に負えない)
It's too much for me.
19654.rethink one's game plan(作戦を練り直す)
Let's rethink our game plan.
19655.jump at the oppotunity(そのチャンスに飛びつく)
I decides to jump at the opportunity.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News