


2017年04月06日 | 爺英語

Two of Japan's largest companies are partnering to take self-driving cars to the next level. Sources say Toyota Motor and telecom giant NTT will develop "connected cars" that use NTT's high-speed wireless technology.
NTT is currently developing the fifth-generation mobile network, which is promising data transfer speeds 10 times faster than now. "5G" is expected to improve the self-driving system. It will allow cars to exchange data with other vehicles and sensors along roads in real time. Passengers will be able to watch high-definition videos.
Toyota is already working with another Japanese telecom firm, KDDI, to develop connected cars. Executives at the carmaker hope to speed up development with their latest tie-up with NTT.
in real time 瞬時に
high-definition 高画質の、高解像度の

Daily Vocabulary(2017/04/06)

2017年04月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
19631.free up some cash(自由に使える現金を作る)
We could free up some cash by selling the house and downsizing.
19632.what are you driving at?(一体何が言いたいんですか?)
what arseal a deal one you driving at?
19633.for the rest of one's life(残りの人生を、~は今後ずっと)
That we live in an RV for the rest of our life.
19634.I can live with that(それならいいでしょう)
I can live with that.
19635.seal a deal on(~に関する話をまとめる、取引を結ぶ)
I'm calling to seal a deal on the RV.

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