

Daily Vocabulary(2020/02/07)

2020年02月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
24756.test the water((実行する前に)試してみる /(問題がないか)調査する)to check people’s reaction to a plan before you decide to use it 
You should take a trial lesson to test the waters before you sign up. 
24757.not get anywhere(らちがあかない / 成果・進歩がない)informal to not be successful at all 
Over the years, I’ve come to realize the importance of speaking English.
24758.classify (分類する)to decide what group something belongs to 
Garbage in Japan is generally classified into four types: Burnable, non-burnable, oversized garbage and recyclable garbage.
24759.bust out(急に〜し出す)  
When I saw your text message, I busted out laughing in the train.
24760.put it like that(そのような言い方)  
Why do you have to put it like that? Be a little more positive. 

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