

Daily Vocabulary(2020/04/26)

2020年04月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
25241.wash off(洗い落とす)to clean dirt, dust etc from the surface of something with water 
My sister is washing off her makeup right now. to happen or develop in a particular way
25242.pan out(うまくいく / 報われる / 功を奏する)to happen or develop in a particular way 
If everything pans out, the new product should launch next month.
25243.be fed up with(うんざりしている)
I’m fed up with buying a plastic umbrellas from convenience store all the time
25244.tactic(戦術) a method that you use to achieve something 
If they don't change their tactics,they will lose the match..
25245.croissant(クロワッサン )a type of sweet bread, shaped in a curve and usually eaten for breakfast   
If we go to Paris, we can eat the most delicious croissant

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