

Daily Vocabulary(2020/04/16)

2020年04月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
25191.cut short(切り上げる)
Yeah, but my business trip was cut short because of the coronavirus.
25192.well organized(人が几帳面な)arranged or ordered well 
I'You are very well organized
25193.introvert(内向的な)someone who is quiet and shy, and does not enjoy being with other people OPP extrovert 
I'm an introvert、while my brother is an extrovert.
25194.discounted price (割引価格) a price which is particularly cheap, or lower than the normal price 
Excuse me, is this the discounted price?
 Putting on her stethoscope, she sounded his heart very carefully, then lifted his lips and looked at his gums. 

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