露営の歌 中野忠晴・霧島昇・伊藤久男・松平晃・佐々木章
25126.have an adventure(冒険する)
Vacation is your chance to have an adventure.
25127.do local sightseeing(地元を観光する)
I can do local sightseeing.
25128.push-ups(腕立て伏せ)an exercise in which you lie on the floor on your chest and push yourself up with your arms SYN press-up British English
I'm doing push-ups and sit-ups.
25129.acupuncture(鍼治療)a treatment for pain and disease that involves pushing special needles into parts of the body
She believes that acupuncture can be very helpful in returning this balance.
25130.greengrocer's(八百屋)someone who owns or works in a shop selling fruit and vegetables
The shops were still open: the butcher, the greengrocer, the fishing-tackle shop.
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