

Daily Vocabulary(2020/04/09)

2020年04月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
25156.plaid a pattern of crossed lines and squares, used especially on cloth SYN tartan British English 
He tried to wipe them away on the sleeve of the plaid shirt, but it was no good. 
25157.bit-fold wallet(二つ折りの財布)
It's a bit-fold wallet.
25158.get worse(悪くなる)
You'd better go to the hospital right now, or it will get much worse.
25159.gimmick (からくり) a trick or something unusual that you do to make people notice someone or something – used to show disapproval → stunt 
In my opinion, it seems like a cheap marketing gimmick.
25160.Let’s face it (現実を見よう)  
Let’s face it. We can’t afford to take a trip right now.

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