

Daily Vocabulary(2020/06/14)

2020年06月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
25491.stingy(ケチ / せこい)If you describe someone as stingy, you are criticizing them for being unwilling to spend money. 
She is stingy with her money.
25492.frugal(倹約的な / 節約する / 無駄遣いしない)People who are frugal or who live frugal lives do not eat much or spend much money on themselves. 
She is frugal with her money.
25493.freeloader(たかり屋 / せこい)If you refer to someone as a freeloader, you disapprove of them because they take advantage of other people's kindness, for example by accepting food or accommodation from them, without giving anything in return. 
Is it true Mary is a freeloader?
25494.putting aside(~はさておき)
Putting aside all our difference, let try to find a solutions to this problem.
25495.The best part / The worst part(長所・短所)  
What is the best and worst part about being single? 

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