『 雨にぬれても 』バート・バカラック作曲 映画〜明日に向かって撃て!〜 ♪ Piano cover
25531.cut corners(手を抜く) to do something in the easiest and shortest way, esp at the expense of high standards
Don't cut corners to save money. Quality comes first.
25532.can’t stop oneself from(〜が止まらない )
I can’t stop myself from eating chocolate when I’m stressed out.
25533.guilty pleasure(後ろめたい楽しみ)
I know I need to stop playing video games but it’s my guilty pleasure.
25534.get tired of(〜に飽きてきた)a substance which provides your body with energy and is found in foods such as grain, rice, and potatoes, or a food that contains this substance 類義語 carbohydrate
I’m getting tired of eating at home. Do you want to eat out tonight?
25535.labor intensive(多大な労力)Labor-intensive industries or methods of making things involve a lot of workers. Compare capital-intensive.
Being a farmer is pretty labor intensive.
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