

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/02)

2021年09月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
27391.beige(薄いとび色、ラクダ色) a pale brown colour
I already have beige and gray, so I want something different this time. 
27392.plaid( チェック柄) a pattern of crossed lines and squares, used especially on cloth 類義語 tartan British English
Polo shirts in plaids, stripes and solids are worn with jeans or cotton twill pants 
27393.fashionably late (わざと)少し遅れていく)
Most people came fashionably late to the BBQ.  
27394.for or against(賛成と反対・賛否・是非)
There are (both) arguments for and against legalizing same-sex marriage. 
27395.neat(きちんとした / 整った) tidy and carefully arranged
Your house is beautiful! Everything is perfectly organized and neat