

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/10)

2021年09月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
27431.a ride(車に乗ること)a journey in a vehicle, when you are not driving → lift
Do you need a ride home? I can take you. 
27432.hop in(車に乗る)o move by jumping on one foot
Come on, hop in. It's raining outside. 
27433.either way(どちらにしても〜だ) used to say that something will be the same whichever of two things happens or is true
I’m fine either way. I don’t have a preference. 
27434.much the same(ほぼ同じ)My schedule is pretty much the same as yours.  
27435.nothing like(〜とは全然違う)British English not at all
 You look nothing like your older brother. Are you guys really siblings?