


2021年09月11日 | 読書日記





Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/11)

2021年09月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
27436.pretentious(気取った) if someone or something is pretentious, they try to seem more important, intelligent, or high class than they really are in order to be impressive OPP unpretentious
Don’t say things like that. It makes you sound pretentious
27437.force(強制する)to make someone do something they do not want to do → persuade
My boss forced me to work last weekend. I didn’t even get paid for it. 
27438.stuck in a rut(マンネリ化する)
Is your relationship stuck in a rut? Maybe it’s time to shake things up and try new things out together. 
27439.back and forth(行ったり来たり)going in one direction and then in the opposite direction, and repeating this several times 
Yeah, we were actually emailing each other back and forth all day. 
27440.wary(慎重な / 用心深い)someone who is wary is careful because they think something might be dangerous or harmful
 You should be wary of things that sound too good to be true.