

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/06)

2021年09月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
27411.nutrition(栄養) the process of giving or getting the right type of food for good health and growth → malnutrition
Plants get the nutrition from the soil. 
27412.nourishment(滋養物、栄養、食物)the food and other substances that people and other living things need to live, grow, and stay healthy
Plants get nourishment usually from the soil 
27413.sustenance(生計、暮らし、生命を維持するもの、食べるもの、栄養物、滋養(物)、支持、維持、耐久、持続)  food that people or animals need in order to live
Rice is the basis of daily sustenance.  
27414.in the mood(~したい気分)to feel that you would like to do something 
I'm in the mood to go window-shopping. 
27415.take it easy(ゆっくりする)to relax and not do very much/spoken used to tell someone to become less upset or angry
 I want to take it easy this weekend.