

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/20)

2021年09月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
27481.exclusive(閉鎖的な、高級な、上流の) exclusive places, organizations, clothes etc are so expensive that not many people can afford to use or buy them
That restaurant is very exclusive.
27482.hardly ever(めったに…(し)ない)not very often
I love the countryside, so I hardly ever go to the city
27483.wish for(~を望む)used to emphasize that you are very happy with what you have and cannot imagine anyone or anything better
She’s  a good person and really loves you.What more could you wish for? 
27484.just because(~と言うだけで)spoken used to say that, although one thing is true, it does not mean that something else is true 
So, you love him just because he's good-looking and rich.
27485.what matters(重要なことは)
But what matters is his personality, isn't it ?