


2021年09月08日 | 爺英語

More than a year has passed since China imposed a national security law for Hong Kong.
The measure cracks down on basic freedoms and may be driving tens of thousands of people to leave the territory.
Officials say about 96,000 residents moved out last year. That's the highest number since Britain returned Hong Kong to China in 1997.
An estimated 89,000 have left since the security law was passed last June.
Local media outlets say a growing number of families are resettling abroad for their children's education, among other reasons.
The government officials insist the figures are normal. They say Hong Kong's status as an international city means residents will always leave for work or study.
The national security law has led to a number of arrests. Some of those detained have been pro-democracy politicians.
And in June, authorities shut down a newspaper known for its critical stance toward the Chinese government.

measure      法令  an official action, taken to deal with a particular problem
resettle  再定住する  to go to live in a new country or area, or to help people do this 
detain  拘束する  to officially prevent someone from leaving a place 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/08)

2021年09月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
27421.some time(しばらく・ある程度の時間)at a time in the future or in the past, although you do not know exactly when
I've been thinking about changing my job for quite some time
Let's get together sometime soon. I haven't seen you in quite some time now. 
27423.sometimes(時々・たまに) on some occasions but not always → occasionally
My girlfriend really drives me crazy sometimes
27424.give the green light(〜を承認する / 〜に許可を与える)to allow a project, plan etc to begin 
Our affiliate company hasn't given us the green light yet. . 
27425.give the go-ahead (〜を許可する / 〜にゴーサインを出す)to give or be given permission to start doing something
 Tell the members to sit tight until we get the go-ahead