29291.side by side (並んで )
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29292.habitat (生息地)the natural home of a plant or animal
Many wild animals are loosing their habitat.
29293.extinct(消えた、活動を停止した、死に絶えた、絶滅した )an extinct type of animal or plant does not exist anymore
On our website,, you can view similar products.
29292.habitat (生息地)the natural home of a plant or animal
Many wild animals are loosing their habitat.
29293.extinct(消えた、活動を停止した、死に絶えた、絶滅した )an extinct type of animal or plant does not exist anymore
If there habitat keeps being destroyed, mountain gorillas will go extinkt.
29294.irrational (理性のない、分別のない、道理のわからない、不合理な、ばかげた、無理の )not based on clear thought or reason SYN unreasonable OPP rational, reasonable
Is it irrational to feel jealous of my ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend?
29295.malware (有害ソフト )software that is designed to get onto a computer and cause harm to the information there or problems with the way it works
My computer is infected with malware.
29295.malware (有害ソフト )software that is designed to get onto a computer and cause harm to the information there or problems with the way it works
My computer is infected with malware.