Chet Baker - I Fall In Love Too Easily 和訳
29331.catholicism (カトリック教義(の信奉)、カトリック主義 )
Catholicism is the religion of those who accept the leadership oh the Pope.
29332.wig (かつら )artificial hair that you wear on your head
That wig looks really good on you. You should wear it for Halloween this year.
29333.keep at it keep at it spoken to continue to do something, although it is difficult or hard work
Catholicism is the religion of those who accept the leadership oh the Pope.
29332.wig (かつら )artificial hair that you wear on your head
That wig looks really good on you. You should wear it for Halloween this year.
29333.keep at it keep at it spoken to continue to do something, although it is difficult or hard work
I'm definitely going to keep at it
29334.awkward (ぎこちない、ぶざまな、不器用な、下手な、(…が)ぶざまで、不器用で、きまり悪がって、気まずくて、扱いにくい、不便な )making you feel embarrassed so that you are not sure what to do or say SYN difficult
It was a little awkward at first, but I really got into it.
29335.honestly (正直に、率直に、正直に働いて、正当に、正直に打ち明けて、まったく、本当に )used to emphasize that what you are saying is true, even though it may seem surprising
Honestly. it was more difficult than I'd expected, but I had fun.
It was a little awkward at first, but I really got into it.
29335.honestly (正直に、率直に、正直に働いて、正当に、正直に打ち明けて、まったく、本当に )used to emphasize that what you are saying is true, even though it may seem surprising
Honestly. it was more difficult than I'd expected, but I had fun.