ブラームス:弦楽六重奏曲 第1番 変ロ長調 作品18 ベルリン・フィルハーモニー八重奏団員 1966
29351.with time (時がたつにつれて、やがて )
It’ll get easier with time.
29352.out of focus (ピントが外れて)if a photograph or an instrument such as a camera is in focus, you can see the picture clearly. If it is out of focus, you cannot see the picture clearly.
Most of picture came out dark and out of focus.
29353.across the board(全面的に)if something happens or is done across the board, it affects everyone in a particular group, place etc
29352.out of focus (ピントが外れて)if a photograph or an instrument such as a camera is in focus, you can see the picture clearly. If it is out of focus, you cannot see the picture clearly.
Most of picture came out dark and out of focus.
29353.across the board(全面的に)if something happens or is done across the board, it affects everyone in a particular group, place etc
We must cut costa across the board.
29354.I hate it when (~するのが嫌い )
I love you, but I hate it when you speak with your mouth full.
29355.get back to the normal (日常に戻る )
In Japan getting back to normal.
I love you, but I hate it when you speak with your mouth full.
29355.get back to the normal (日常に戻る )
In Japan getting back to normal.