

Daily Vocabulary(2023/02/17)

2023年02月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
30041.top-ranking(最高位、一流、一旒、トップレベル、トップクラスの、〈第一級の〉・一流の)the best or top position in an industry, organization etc, in relation to other industries or organizations 
If my daughter gets into top-ranking university, i'll be over the moon.
30042.go through a phase(ある時期を通り抜ける ) to experience a particular process 
He's just going through a phase.
30043.take back  (取り戻す、返す、引き取る、撤回する )
She won’t take you back even if you beg her.
30044.run into(ぶつかる、ばったり会う)to hit someone or something with a vehicle /informal to meet someone by chance 
A cyclist ran into me as I was crossing a street.
30045.get bitten(刺される)
It seems I got bitten by an insect.It hurt badly.