

Daily Vocabulary(2023/02/12)

2023年02月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
30016.good faith (誠意、誠実 )when a person, country etc intends to be honest and sincere and does not intend to deceive anyone 
We're going to work in good faith to rebuild this community. 
30017.abuse(悪用する、虐待する) cruel or violent treatment of someone /the use of something in a way that it should not be used 類義語 misuse 
When  politicians get too much power, they tend to abuse it.
30018.handy (使いやすい)auseful/  informal near and easy to reach 
This translation app is really handy when I travel abroad.
30019.stabilize  (安定させる)to become firm, steady, or unchanging, or to make something firm or steady → stable 
I hope the government can do something to stabilize the economy..
30020.poise (落ち着き、感情的なバランス) a calm confident way of behaving, combined with an ability to control your feelings or reactions in difficult situations / a graceful way of moving or standing, so that your body seems balanced and not awkward 
The witness showed amazing poise during the questioning.