30001.devil (悪魔)an evil spirit 類義語 demon
When throwing the beans, you are supposed to shout 'Devils out, happiness in!
When throwing the beans, you are supposed to shout 'Devils out, happiness in!
30002.sardine (イワシ) mall young fish that is often packed in flat metal boxes when it is sold as food
Also, some people decorate their houses with the heads of sardines.
30003.sushi roll(巻きずし)
When we eat thick sushi roll , we must face the year's lucky direction without speaking.
30004.holly (ヒイラギ)a small tree with sharp dark green leaves and red berries (berry), or the leaves and berries of this tree, used as a decoration at Christmas
Some people decorate their house entrances with sardine heads and holly branches. They want to protect their houses from the oni.
30005.and finally (そしてついに ) to think that rules etc are very important and that other people should think so too
And finally, she arrived at the following solution.
Some people decorate their house entrances with sardine heads and holly branches. They want to protect their houses from the oni.
30005.and finally (そしてついに ) to think that rules etc are very important and that other people should think so too
And finally, she arrived at the following solution.