ヘンデル:オラトリオ《マカベウスのユダ》第3幕 『見よ、勇者は帰る』
30076.pick a date(日時を選ぶ )
Can you pick a date?
30077.always there for (いつも~のそばにいてくれる )
Can you pick a date?
30077.always there for (いつも~のそばにいてくれる )
Keiko is true friend because she’s always there for me.
30078.have a say (発言権がある )
We are not in relationship anymore, so you don't have a say who I go out with.
30079.going-away party (送別会 )informal not generous, especially with money 類義語 mean
Welcome to the going-away party..
30080.booster vaccine(ワクチンの追加接種)
When did you get your booster vaccine shot?.
Welcome to the going-away party..
30080.booster vaccine(ワクチンの追加接種)
When did you get your booster vaccine shot?.