

Daily Vocabulary(2023/02/27)

2023年02月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
30091.dirt cheap  extremely cheap or cheaply  
Such cheap goods obviously rely on dirt cheap labor. 
30092.cost a fortune (莫大なお金がかかる  ) 
I bet that painting costs a fortune
30093.self-esˈteem the feeling of being satisfied with your own abilities, and that you deserve to be liked or respected → self-respect 
Before speaking carefully. A negative judgement can badly harm someone's self-esteem. 
30094.dog-tired  (疲れきった ) very tired 
I went hiking yesterday and now I am dog tired. 
30095.patronize  (後援する、奨励する、ひいきにする、恩着せがましくする ) to talk to someone in a way which seems friendly but shows that you think they are not as intelligent or do not know as much as you 
A teacher patronize a student, bur years later they meet again.