

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/05)

2023年03月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
30121.needless   (不必要な)needless troubles, suffering, loss etc are unnecessary because they could easily have been avoided 類義語 unnecessary 
The company is taking steps to eliminate needless waste. 
30122.redundant. (余計な、重複する) not necessary because something else means or does the same thing 
The merger made several positions redundant.
30123.sub-zero  (零度をした回る )below zero in temperature 
After a week of sub-zero temperatures, a 10-degree day felt like summer.
30124.wimp  (弱虫、意気地なし)someone who has a weak character and is afraid to do something difficult or unpleasant /a man who is thin and physically weak 
It's a wimp when it comes to asking a girl out.
30125.free   (~がない、~なしの)
Is this cookie really sugar-free?