

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/19)

2023年03月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
30191.afresh   (さらに、新たに、再び )if you do something afresh, you do it again from the beginning 類義語 anew 
You can start afresh
30192.remember to. (~することを覚えている )    spoken formal used to say firmly that you do not agree with something that has been said  happen very soon 
And remember to carry some cash in case they don't accept credit card.
30193.overview  (概要、概観)a short description of a subject or situation that gives the main ideas without explaining all the details 
The first chapter provides an overview of Hawaiian history?
30194.overly  (過度に、あまりにも)too or very 
My brother gets overly emotional about his favorite soccer team.
30195.corn dog(アメリカンドッグ) to think that rules etc are very important and that other people should think so too 
Do you want mustard on your corn dog?