

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/26)

2023年03月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
30226.in-depth   (徹底した、詳細な )thorough, complete, and considering all the details 
We'll be doing more in-depth research this time. . 
30227.What's more(さらに )used to add more information that emphasizes what you are saying 
My new job is interesting and stimulating. What's more, I get to travel to many countries.
30228.like (~のような )
I love many sports like rugby,soccer tennis and golf.
30229.downside  (良くない点、弱点)the negative part or disadvantage of something OPP upside 
But the downside is the membership fee is a bit expensive.
30230.stray   (逸れた、野良の )a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home 
My aunt volunteers for a group devoted to rescuing stray cats.