30236.last-minute (直前の、土壇場の )happening or done as late as possible before something else happens
We had to make some last-minute changes to the script before filming.
30237.borderline(ぎりぎりで)used to add more information that emphasizes what you are saying
If you have borderline high cholesterol, watch what you eat.
30238.flavor (味、風味、味わい ) the particular taste of a food or drink
Cooking is the art of combining flavors.
30239.bland (もの柔らかな、人当たりがよい、穏やかな、落ち着いた、温和な、口当たりのよい、さっぱりした、気の抜けた、おもしろみのない、無感情の、味が薄い )food that is bland has very little taste 類義語 tasteless
Taste this. Does this flavor seem a little bland to you..
30240.savor (ゆっくり味わう,賞味する. ) to fully enjoy the taste or smell of something
Savor the wine to get the full flavor.