The operator of the Kura Sushi conveyor-belt restaurant chain has developed an AI-powered alert system aimed at deterring anyone from tampering with their dishes.
This follows a recent series of videos of diners performing unhygienic pranks at conveyor-belt restaurants that went viral on social media.
(Okamoto Hiroyuki / Kura Sushi)
“We think these videos are extremely troubling and pose a threat to the very foundation of the sushi conveyor-belt business model.”
The company unveiled the alert system to the media.
As soon as the system's camera catches anyone returning a plate to the conveyor belt that has been touched by a customer, an alert is sent to the headquarters.
Officials will then contact the manager, who will approach the perpetrator.
This follows a recent series of videos of diners performing unhygienic pranks at conveyor-belt restaurants that went viral on social media.
(Okamoto Hiroyuki / Kura Sushi)
“We think these videos are extremely troubling and pose a threat to the very foundation of the sushi conveyor-belt business model.”
The company unveiled the alert system to the media.
As soon as the system's camera catches anyone returning a plate to the conveyor belt that has been touched by a customer, an alert is sent to the headquarters.
Officials will then contact the manager, who will approach the perpetrator.
◆deter (何かをするのを)思いとどまらせる、防ぐ、抑止する to stop someone from doing something, by making them realize it will be difficult or have bad results → deterrent
◆tamper 迷惑行為をする to touch something or make changes to it without permission, especially in order to deliberately damage it
◆unhygienic 非衛生的な dirty and likely to make people ill
◆prank いたずら、悪ふざけ a trick, especially one which is played on someone to make them look silly
◆went viral (まるでvirus「ウイルス」のようにネットや口コミで)急速に広まる、拡散される、バズる if a picture, video, joke etc goes viral, it spreads widely, especially on the Internet or mobile phones
◆pose a threat to ~を脅かす、~に脅威を及ぼす t
◆perpetrator (悪質な)行為を実行した人、犯人、加害者 someone who does something morally wrong or illegal → culprit