


2023年03月08日 | 爺英語

A group of Japanese researchers has developed new technology that allows users to share their sense of touch. They say it is the first system of its kind in the world.
Researchers from telecom giant NTT Docomo, Keio University, and the Nagoya Institute of Technology worked together on the project.
The system uses sensors to measure the frequency of the subtle vibrations a person feels when touching an object.
This data can then be used to reproduce the vibrations on a device held by another person.
The researchers say the system could help teach and preserve skills that rely on touch, such as traditional craftwork.
They say the technology could also be used by online retailers to allow people shopping for clothing to feel the materials beforehand.

beforehand あらかじめ、事前に     before something else happens or is done s 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/08)

2023年03月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
30136.you’d like  (よろしければ)
I’m sorry we don’t have an opening in that class right now. If you’d like, I can put you on the waitlist. 
30137.I'm good (大丈夫です  )    spoken formal used to say firmly that you do not agree with something that has been said  happen very soon  
I'm good. I'm getting by somehow. Thanks for the offer though .
30138.ridiculous(ばかげた、ばかばかしい、おかしい )very silly or unreasonable 
He keeps a straight face while telling a ridiculous story. 
30139.meet someone halfway (妥協する / 歩み寄る / 譲り合う )to do some of the things that someone wants, in order to reach an agreement with them 
I'll meet you halfway and sell it to you for $2,300. I can't go any lower than this.
30140.seriously consider (〜を前向きに検討する ) 
We are seriously considering placing an ad on your site.