

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/04)

2024年06月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
32396.thank goodness (やれやれ、よかった)used to show that you are very glad about something 
Thank Goodness that’s over! I’ve never been so nervous in my life! 
32397.diligent(入念な、熱心な)someone who is attractive, usually a woman 
Thanks for Giorgio’s diligent handling of the situation, we were able to overcome the problem.
32398.subsidiary(子会社)a company that is owned or controlled by another larger company 
 I felt that managing an overseas subsidiary is not easy. 
32399.A is all about B  (AにとってはBが最も重要だ )
 Creating consolidated accounts is all about overcoming challenges. 
32400.cheerful attitude  (明るい態度 )
She always has a cheerful attitude that inspires others. 

