11011.be under the impression(~と思っている)
I was under the impression that the birthday spanking custom had pretty well died out in this day and age.
Speaking of time-honored customs, will Great Lakes be gioving you a gold watch?
11013.spring cleaning(春のお掃除)
I was doing the trditional spring cleaning with my wife last week.
11014.Jeweled,engraved timepiece(宝石付で文字が彫りこまれた)
I found a Jeweled,engraved timepiece my father had received on his retirement.
11015.among other things(特に、とりわけ、何よりも)
Among other things, my wife and I are major bingo enthusiasts.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
四国八十八ヶ所 第七十九番金崋山天皇寺/香川県坂出市(2010/10/02)
I was under the impression that the birthday spanking custom had pretty well died out in this day and age.
Speaking of time-honored customs, will Great Lakes be gioving you a gold watch?
11013.spring cleaning(春のお掃除)
I was doing the trditional spring cleaning with my wife last week.
11014.Jeweled,engraved timepiece(宝石付で文字が彫りこまれた)
I found a Jeweled,engraved timepiece my father had received on his retirement.
11015.among other things(特に、とりわけ、何よりも)
Among other things, my wife and I are major bingo enthusiasts.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
四国八十八ヶ所 第七十九番金崋山天皇寺/香川県坂出市(2010/10/02)