花かげ 安田章子
19706.take after(…をまねる、…に似る、…を追いかける)
I take after my grandpa.
It's really stinky.
I almost feel like you're my long-lost sibling.
His style is full of mannerisms.
19710.falling out(言い争い、仲たがい、不和、けんか)
Have you ever had a falling out?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I take after my grandpa.
It's really stinky.
I almost feel like you're my long-lost sibling.
His style is full of mannerisms.
19710.falling out(言い争い、仲たがい、不和、けんか)
Have you ever had a falling out?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Officials at Japan Airlines are celebrating the launch of a new service. The route connects Tokyo's Haneda Airport with John F. Kennedy Airport in New York. The inauguration is being seen as a sign that the flag carrier has made a comeback after filing for bankruptcy.
The launch comes after a series of restrictions that were imposed by the transport ministry were lifted. Over the past five years, ministry officials have limited the carrier's network to ensure fairness. This was in light of a three-billion-dollar government bailout JAL received after filing for bankruptcy seven years ago.
The airline will now be allowed more freedom to launch new routes. The move is expected to encourage competition in the industry.
◆inauguration 開始、開業、開通
◆file for ~を申請する、~を申し立てる
◆lift 解除する、撤廃する
◆ensure 確保する、保証する
◆in light of ~の観点から、~を考慮して
◆bailout 資金援助、財政援助
19701.The list goes on(数えればきりがない)
The list goes on.
Technology is making it easier for seniors to lead independent lives.
19703.feel less isolated(あまり孤独感を抱かない)
They also can help seniors who live alone feel less isolated by being companions for them.
Communities give them a certain degree of independence, with professional caregivers on staff to look after them as needed.
Surveillance camera and GPS systems let their relatives keep track of them and make sure they are OK.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

The list goes on.
Technology is making it easier for seniors to lead independent lives.
19703.feel less isolated(あまり孤独感を抱かない)
They also can help seniors who live alone feel less isolated by being companions for them.
Communities give them a certain degree of independence, with professional caregivers on staff to look after them as needed.
Surveillance camera and GPS systems let their relatives keep track of them and make sure they are OK.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

ロス プリモス/ロス インディオス ラブユー東京/たそがれの銀座/新潟ブルース/コモエスタ赤坂/知りぎたのね
I bet they are enjoying the fine weather and the laid-back life style.
19697.go further(もっと使いでがある)
Plus the fact that their money goes further.
Costa Rica has world-class hospital.
Makimg a home senior-friendly means spending money on things like wheelchair ramps.
They are quite affordable to the U.S.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I bet they are enjoying the fine weather and the laid-back life style.
19697.go further(もっと使いでがある)
Plus the fact that their money goes further.
Costa Rica has world-class hospital.
Makimg a home senior-friendly means spending money on things like wheelchair ramps.
They are quite affordable to the U.S.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Confucius said, "A person with high aspirations and a benevolent person never deviate from benevolence for their life. They would rather kill themselves to accomplish benevolence."
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
They can't handled the boredom.
The whole concept of retirement age is becoming obsolete actually.
It doesn't make much sense these days, wht withincresd longevity and seniors leading more active lifestyle.
The traditional retirement age of 65 is an arbitrarily imposed finish line.
We've all heard of retirees who feel ay loose ends.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

They can't handled the boredom.
The whole concept of retirement age is becoming obsolete actually.
It doesn't make much sense these days, wht withincresd longevity and seniors leading more active lifestyle.
The traditional retirement age of 65 is an arbitrarily imposed finish line.
We've all heard of retirees who feel ay loose ends.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

19686.heavy burden(重荷)
That must be a heavy burden for them.
19687.quick fix(一次的な即効薬)
There is no quick fix.
19688.bear in mind(心に留める)
One inportant thing to bear in mind is that Americans are generally healthier and living longer.
19689.life expectancy(平均余命)
So average life expectancy increase.
19690.feel the urge(一時の衝動に駆られる)
People don't feel the urge to retire as early as previous generations did.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

That must be a heavy burden for them.
19687.quick fix(一次的な即効薬)
There is no quick fix.
19688.bear in mind(心に留める)
One inportant thing to bear in mind is that Americans are generally healthier and living longer.
19689.life expectancy(平均余命)
So average life expectancy increase.
19690.feel the urge(一時の衝動に駆られる)
People don't feel the urge to retire as early as previous generations did.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

19681.roll around(巡ってくる)
Once it was gone, she didn't get any more until her next allowance rolled around.
19682.make a point of(必ず~する、わざわざ~する)
I should make a point of telling her.
19683.close to a third(3分の1近く)
The article also noted that close to a third of older workers plan to keep working for as long as they can.
Aging baby boomers need money to maintain the lifestyle they're accustomed to.
19685.a thing of past(過去のもの)
Old style pension plans are becoming a thing of past.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Once it was gone, she didn't get any more until her next allowance rolled around.
19682.make a point of(必ず~する、わざわざ~する)
I should make a point of telling her.
19683.close to a third(3分の1近く)
The article also noted that close to a third of older workers plan to keep working for as long as they can.
Aging baby boomers need money to maintain the lifestyle they're accustomed to.
19685.a thing of past(過去のもの)
Old style pension plans are becoming a thing of past.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

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19676.state of mind(心の状態)
Class is state of mind, not money.
19677.a while(しばらく)
But a while back I read about one father's idea for helping children understand the concepts of spending and saving.
19678.follow in someone's footsteps(人の例に習う、人を見習う)
I'm going to follow in his footsteps.
That helped teach the little girl that money is a finite quantity.
If you try to be a good person, and dedicate yourself to knowledge and understanding, you are upper class.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Class is state of mind, not money.
19677.a while(しばらく)
But a while back I read about one father's idea for helping children understand the concepts of spending and saving.
19678.follow in someone's footsteps(人の例に習う、人を見習う)
I'm going to follow in his footsteps.
That helped teach the little girl that money is a finite quantity.
If you try to be a good person, and dedicate yourself to knowledge and understanding, you are upper class.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

19671.have a paper route(新聞配達する)
I had a paper route.
19672.rude and unthinking(無礼で配慮を欠いた)
You see how rude and unthinking people can be to them.
I learned the true value of money and improved my self-esteem.
19674.a sence of discipline and responsibility(自制心と責任感)
After-school and summer jobs also help teenager develop a sence of discipline and responsibility.
They've inherited money.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I had a paper route.
19672.rude and unthinking(無礼で配慮を欠いた)
You see how rude and unthinking people can be to them.
I learned the true value of money and improved my self-esteem.
19674.a sence of discipline and responsibility(自制心と責任感)
After-school and summer jobs also help teenager develop a sence of discipline and responsibility.
They've inherited money.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News