26736.rephrase(言い換える、言い直す)If you rephrase a question or statement, you ask it or say it again in a different way.
Could you rephrase the question?.
26737.define(定義する、意味を明確にする)If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like.
Could you define this word, please?.
26738.serious relationship(真面目なお付き合い)A stretch of time is a period of time
I'm looking for a serious relationship.
26739.I'm positive(きっと〜・〜に間違いない・〜に違いない)
I'm absolutely positive you'll find a job.
27740.I bet(確かに, 大丈夫, そのとおり )
I bet it's going to rain today.
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Could you rephrase the question?.
26737.define(定義する、意味を明確にする)If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like.
Could you define this word, please?.
26738.serious relationship(真面目なお付き合い)A stretch of time is a period of time
I'm looking for a serious relationship.
26739.I'm positive(きっと〜・〜に間違いない・〜に違いない)
I'm absolutely positive you'll find a job.
27740.I bet(確かに, 大丈夫, そのとおり )
I bet it's going to rain today.
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Japanese swimming star Ikee Rikako has qualified for the Tokyo Olympic Games after a battle with leukemia.
The women's 100-meter butterfly on Sunday was her first national championship race in three years.
The 20-year-old got off to a slow start, but picked up speed and was in second place after the first 50 meters.
Ikee overtook the frontrunner to win the race with a time of 57.77 seconds and qualify for the 400-meter medley relay.
Ikee was diagnosed with leukemia in February 2019. She returned to competition in August last year after treatment that included a 10-month stay in hospital.
The national championships will continue through Saturday.
The women's 100-meter butterfly on Sunday was her first national championship race in three years.
The 20-year-old got off to a slow start, but picked up speed and was in second place after the first 50 meters.
Ikee overtook the frontrunner to win the race with a time of 57.77 seconds and qualify for the 400-meter medley relay.
Ikee was diagnosed with leukemia in February 2019. She returned to competition in August last year after treatment that included a 10-month stay in hospital.
The national championships will continue through Saturday.
◆leukemia 白血病 Leukemia is a disease of the blood in which the body produces too many white blood cells.
◆overtake ~に追いつく、追い越す If you overtake a vehicle or a person that is ahead of you and moving in the same direction, you pass them./If someone or something overtakes a competitor, they become more successful than them.
◆overtake ~に追いつく、追い越す If you overtake a vehicle or a person that is ahead of you and moving in the same direction, you pass them./If someone or something overtakes a competitor, they become more successful than them.
◆frontrunner 競走・競技で先頭に立つ人 the leader or a favoured contestant in a race, election, etc
So, let me get this straight
26732.like the back of her hand(良く知っている)
My Japanese girlfriend knows Tokyo like the back of her hand.
26733.in the distance(遠くに)
You see the mountain covered with the snow in the distance.
26734.flattered(喜んで)If you are flattered by something that has happened, you are pleased about it because it makes you feel important or special.
I'm flattered.
27735.way to go(よくやった、いいぞ ) You can say 'Way to go' to show that you are pleased or impressed by something someone has done.
Way to go Japan!
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So, let me get this straight
26732.like the back of her hand(良く知っている)
My Japanese girlfriend knows Tokyo like the back of her hand.
26733.in the distance(遠くに)
You see the mountain covered with the snow in the distance.
26734.flattered(喜んで)If you are flattered by something that has happened, you are pleased about it because it makes you feel important or special.
I'm flattered.
27735.way to go(よくやった、いいぞ ) You can say 'Way to go' to show that you are pleased or impressed by something someone has done.
Way to go Japan!
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26726.palm(手のひら)The palm of your hand is the inside part.
Can you see this line on your palm here?
26727.momentum(勢い)If a process or movement gains momentum, it keeps developing or happening more quickly and keeps becoming less likely to stop.
Secondly, what makes you think that the current momentum will continue?
26728.in a nutshell(ひと言で言えば) You can use in a nutshell to indicate that you are saying something in a very brief way, using few words.
26729.make a purchase(購入する)
You need to be careful very much about making any big purchases this year.
27030.advice you to(あなたに~するようにアドヴァイスする)
I would advice you not to?
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Can you see this line on your palm here?
26727.momentum(勢い)If a process or movement gains momentum, it keeps developing or happening more quickly and keeps becoming less likely to stop.
Secondly, what makes you think that the current momentum will continue?
26728.in a nutshell(ひと言で言えば) You can use in a nutshell to indicate that you are saying something in a very brief way, using few words.
26729.make a purchase(購入する)
You need to be careful very much about making any big purchases this year.
27030.advice you to(あなたに~するようにアドヴァイスする)
I would advice you not to?
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【映画音楽】ブーベの恋人 La ragazza di Bube/モーリス・ルクレール楽団 Maurice Leclerc/レコード/高音質
26721.rub off on(~に影響を与える)to be left on (something or someone) as a mark, as by rubbing or, figuratively, by close contact
My wife is a super organized person and I think she is rubbing off on me
26722.think back on(~を振り返る)
Wow, that brings back memories. Thinking back on it, that was such a fun time.
My wife is a super organized person and I think she is rubbing off on me
26722.think back on(~を振り返る)
Wow, that brings back memories. Thinking back on it, that was such a fun time.
26723.scare off(~を怖がらせて追い払う)If you scare off or scare away a person or animal, you frighten them so that they go away.
Let's throw a rock at it and see if we can scare it off.
26724.quick to(すぐに~する・~が早い)
It's only been a week. Don't be so quick to give up. Stick with it a little longer.
27725.traumatized(トラウマになる) emotionally or psychologically distressed or upset, esp lastingly
A dog bit her when she was a kid. She’s been traumatized ever since then.
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Let's throw a rock at it and see if we can scare it off.
26724.quick to(すぐに~する・~が早い)
It's only been a week. Don't be so quick to give up. Stick with it a little longer.
27725.traumatized(トラウマになる) emotionally or psychologically distressed or upset, esp lastingly
A dog bit her when she was a kid. She’s been traumatized ever since then.
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26716.shower(にわか雨)A shower is a short period of rain, especially light rain.
I was caught in a shower on my way home.
26717.misty(霧のかかった、霧の深い)On a misty day, there is a lot of mist in the air.
The air is misty outside.
26718.numb(かじかんだ、感覚が亡くなった) If a part of your body is numb, you cannot feel anything there.
My finger are getting numb with cold.
26719.shiver(震える)When you shiver, your body shakes slightly because you are cold or frightened.
It's so cold, My whole body is shivering.
27720.trailer(予告編) A trailer for a film or television programme is a set of short extracts which are shown to advertise it.
Did you see that movie trailer?
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I was caught in a shower on my way home.
26717.misty(霧のかかった、霧の深い)On a misty day, there is a lot of mist in the air.
The air is misty outside.
26718.numb(かじかんだ、感覚が亡くなった) If a part of your body is numb, you cannot feel anything there.
My finger are getting numb with cold.
26719.shiver(震える)When you shiver, your body shakes slightly because you are cold or frightened.
It's so cold, My whole body is shivering.
27720.trailer(予告編) A trailer for a film or television programme is a set of short extracts which are shown to advertise it.
Did you see that movie trailer?
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【著者略歴 について】
ノンフィクション作家。1968年生まれ。神奈川県出身。早稲田大学法学部卒。日本語教師を経てフリーライターに。2012年、『エンジェルフライト 国際霊柩送還士』(集英社)で第一〇回開高健ノンフィクション賞を受賞。2014年に上梓した『紙つなげ!彼らが本の紙を造っている 再生・日本製紙石巻工場』(早川書房)は、紀伊國屋書店キノベス!第1位、ダ・ヴィンチBOOK OF THE YEAR第1位、新風賞特別賞など数々の栄誉に輝いた
ノンフィクション作家。1968年生まれ。神奈川県出身。早稲田大学法学部卒。日本語教師を経てフリーライターに。2012年、『エンジェルフライト 国際霊柩送還士』(集英社)で第一〇回開高健ノンフィクション賞を受賞。2014年に上梓した『紙つなげ!彼らが本の紙を造っている 再生・日本製紙石巻工場』(早川書房)は、紀伊國屋書店キノベス!第1位、ダ・ヴィンチBOOK OF THE YEAR第1位、新風賞特別賞など数々の栄誉に輝いた
26711.throw a party(パーティーを開く)
I'm throwing a birthday party for Tom tomorrow. Can you make it?
26712.hold an event(イベントを開く・行う)
We are holding an event for exchange students.
26713.stretch(一続きの時間や期間)A stretch of time is a period of time
You worked 14 days in a row? That’s a long stretch without a day off.
26714.Guess what(ちょっと聞いてよ)You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about how it happens
Guess what? John is getting married.
27015.listen up(よく聞いてね ) If two people let bygones be bygones, they decide to forget about unpleasant things that have happened between them in the past.
I'm throwing a birthday party for Tom tomorrow. Can you make it?
26712.hold an event(イベントを開く・行う)
We are holding an event for exchange students.
26713.stretch(一続きの時間や期間)A stretch of time is a period of time
You worked 14 days in a row? That’s a long stretch without a day off.
26714.Guess what(ちょっと聞いてよ)You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about how it happens
Guess what? John is getting married.
27015.listen up(よく聞いてね ) If two people let bygones be bygones, they decide to forget about unpleasant things that have happened between them in the past.
The art club meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays..
26707.join(入部する)If you join an organization, you become a member of it or start work as an employee of it.
I joined the drama club with my friend.
26708.belong(入っている) If someone belongs to a particular group, they are a member of that group.
I belonged the drama club.
I found a tint sprout from on of the seeds.
27010.lowland(低地)relatively low ground
The lowlands are at risk of flooding from the heavy rains.
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The art club meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays..
26707.join(入部する)If you join an organization, you become a member of it or start work as an employee of it.
I joined the drama club with my friend.
26708.belong(入っている) If someone belongs to a particular group, they are a member of that group.
I belonged the drama club.
I found a tint sprout from on of the seeds.
27010.lowland(低地)relatively low ground
The lowlands are at risk of flooding from the heavy rains.
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26701.telework(在宅勤務)to work from home while maintaining contact with colleagues, customers, or a central office by the use of home computers, telephones, etc
One nice thing about teleworking is not having to ride train.
One nice thing about teleworking is not having to ride train.
26702.distraction(気をちらす)A distraction is something that turns your attention away from something you want to concentrate on.
There are so many distractions at home that i can't concentrate on work.
26703.productivity(生産性)Productivity is the rate at which goods are produced.
My productivity drops when I telework because I can watch TV whenever I want.
26704.division(部)The division of a large unit into two or more distinct parts is the act of separating it into these parts.
I'm excited to work in the Video Production Division.
27005.unlock(鍵を開ける、開錠する) If you unlock something such as a door, a room, or a container that has a lock, you open it using a key.
I have to type a passcode to unlock my door.
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There are so many distractions at home that i can't concentrate on work.
26703.productivity(生産性)Productivity is the rate at which goods are produced.
My productivity drops when I telework because I can watch TV whenever I want.
26704.division(部)The division of a large unit into two or more distinct parts is the act of separating it into these parts.
I'm excited to work in the Video Production Division.
27005.unlock(鍵を開ける、開錠する) If you unlock something such as a door, a room, or a container that has a lock, you open it using a key.
I have to type a passcode to unlock my door.
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