


2021年04月14日 | 爺英語

People across the United States have rallied against anti-Asian discrimination and violence.
The protests follow a series of attacks and other hostile incidents. A man opened fire at three spas earlier this month in the state of Georgia.
Eight people were killed, including six of Asian descent. Many Asian Americans have been shaken by such events.
In the suburbs of Atlanta, where the shootings took place, protesters held up signs saying "Stop anti-Asian racism now" and "Am I the next target?"
Protesters in Los Angeles carried signs declaring "I'm not a virus" and "Hate is a virus." It was a rebuke to those who have said the coronavirus was initially spread by Asians.
An organization that monitors incidents of violence and discrimination against Asians tallied up the reports over a one-year period.
It says there were over 3,700 incidents in the year through February. About 40 percent of the victims were people of Chinese descent. Around six percent were of Japanese descent.

rally (支援など何かの目的のために)集結する、集まる  a large public meeting, especially one that is held outdoors to support a political idea, protest etc
open fire at      ~を銃撃する、~に発砲する     If something mounts, it increases in intensity. 
spa 温泉、健康施設 A spa is a place where water with minerals in it comes out of the ground. People drink the water or go in it in order to improve their health. 
descent 家系、出自 You use descent to talk about a person's family background, for example their nationality or social status. 
be shaken by      ~に衝撃を受ける、動揺する      If something mounts, it increases in intensity. 
rebuke 非難 If you rebuke someone, you speak severely to them because they have said or done something that you do not approve of. 
tally up  集計する、計算する、(数量を)数える
victim      被害者       victim

Daily Vocabulary(2021/04/14)

2021年04月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
26996.hold up (持ちこたえる)
So, the market has held up well. 
26997.nutshell(ひと言で言えば、手短に言うと)used when you are stating the main facts about something in a short clear way 
In a nutshell, it has affected the sales very positively.
26998.wait and see(待って見る、つ様子を見 る) If you tell someone to wait and see, you tell them that they must be patient or that they must not worry about what is going to happen in the future because they have no control over it. 
I thought buyers were adopting a wait-and-see approach.  
26999.momentum(勢い)If a process or movement gains momentum, it keeps developing or happening more quickly and keeps becoming less likely to stop. 
Secondly, what makes you think that the current momentum will continue?  
Sorry, but I don't date coworker. It can lead to trouble

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徒然草 第九十五段

2021年04月13日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2021/04/13)

2021年04月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
26991.private eye(私立探偵)a private detective
If you are worried, it might be a good idea to hire a private eye.
26992.wet wipe(ウェットティッシュ)a disposable moistened paper towel 
Yi want to take a box of wet wipes
26993.wild animal(野生動物) Wild animals or plants live or grow in natural surroundings and are not looked after by people. 
If you are attacked by wild animals, use a shovel.
26994.get hurt(怪我をする)
If you get hurt, use a first0aid kit.
26995.It comes with(~と一緒に出されます)
It comes with rakkyo pickles

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Daily Vocabulary(2021/04/12)

2021年04月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
26986.in the middle of(~のさなか)
He’s in a middle of a meeting right now. Would you like to leave a message? 
26987.hidden spot(あまり知られていない場所)
There is this hidden spot I want to take you to next time. 
26988.prohibit(禁止する)If a law or someone in authority prohibits something, they forbid it or make it illegal.  
Smoking is strictly prohibited in this building. 
26989.repercussion(影響)You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about how it happens 
What repercussions do you think the coronavirus will have on the economy?  
26990.traumatized(トラウマになる) emotionally or psychologically distressed or upset, esp lastingly 
A dog bit her when she was a kid. She’s been traumatized ever since then.

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Daily Vocabulary(2021/04/11)

2021年04月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
26981.put away(片づける)If you put something away, you put it into the place where it is normally kept when it is not being used, for example in a drawer.
Put away your toys.
26982.intercom(インターフォン)An intercom is a small box with a microphone which is connected to a loudspeaker in another room. You use it to talk to the people in the other room. 
When you arrive, call me on the intercom
26983.window screen(網戸)
The window screen is a bit open. 
26984.soak(つかる、つける)If you soak something or leave it to soak, you put it into a liquid and leave it there. 
 I love to soak in a hot bath. 
26985.fluffy(ふわふわした) If you describe something such as a towel or a toy animal as fluffy, you mean that it is very soft. 
This dog is unbelievably fluffy.

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Daily Vocabulary(2021/04/10)

2021年04月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
I’ve been discharged from the hospital.
26977.ointment(軟膏)An ointment is a smooth thick substance that is put on sore skin or a wound to help it heal. 
I rubbed some ointment on my leg. 
This beer is flat. Can you give me another one?. 
I'm layering this dress over my T-shirt.
26980.scrub(ごしごしこすって洗う) If you scrub dirt or stains off something, you remove them by rubbing hard. 
I scrubbed the floor with a brush.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2021年04月10日 | 読書日記
・私のお父さん/今村夏子(庄野潤三 長女)
・父の思い出/庄野龍也(庄野潤三 長男)
・庄野潤三とその周辺 /岡崎武志
・山の上の親分さんとお上さん江/今村夏子(庄野潤三 長女)

【著者略歴 について


Daily Vocabulary(2021/04/09)

2021年04月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
You can use these wipes.
26972.tan(日焼け)If you have a tan, your skin has become darker than usual because you have been in the sun. 
You got a great tan
26973.rage(激怒)Rage is strong anger that is difficult to control. 
I was shocked to see him in a rage. 
26974.decent(見苦しくない、きちんとした)Decent is used to describe something which is considered to be of an acceptable standard or quality. 
He looks decent when he has shaved. 
26975.checkup(健康診断)A checkup is a medical examination by your doctor or dentist to make sure that there is nothing wrong with your health.
I went the hospital for a regular checkup

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2021/04/08)

2021年04月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
The doctor needs to take X-ray of my arm.
26967.plastic bottle(ペットボトル)
Do you recycle plastic bottles in your country?. 
26968.plastic bag(レジ袋)a bag made from a very thin flexible plastic 
Could i have  a plastic bag, please? 
26969.blow-dry(ドライヤーで乾かす)If you blow-dry your hair, you dry it with a hairdryer, often to give it a particular style. 
How long does it take blow-dry your hair?
26970.at the last minutes(直前になって)
My boyfriend cancelled our date at the last minutes.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2021年04月07日 | 爺英語

Top officials responsible for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics say overseas spectators won't be allowed to attend the Games due to the coronavirus pandemic.
(Hashimoto Seiko / Tokyo 2020 President)
"Countries around the world, including Japan, are strictly restricting cross-border travel. The current situation makes it difficult to guarantee free entry into Japan from abroad this summer."
The announcement came after a highly anticipated meeting of organizers.
Over 600,000 tickets have been sold abroad. People who bought them will be able to get refunds.
The online gathering brought together the heads of the organizing committee and the International Olympic Committee, the governor of Tokyo, and other officials.
Concerns have been mounting about allowing people into Japan for the Games due to the spread of unpredictable new coronavirus strains.
The Olympics are now right around the corner. The torch relay starts next Thursday, and the Games are scheduled to open after a one-year delay on July 23.

bring together  集める
mount     高まる     If something mounts, it increases in intensity. 
new coronavirus strain 変異した新型コロナウイルス、新型コロナウイルスの変異株 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/04/07)

2021年04月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
26961.flea market(フリーマーケット)A flea market is an outdoor market which sells cheap used goods and sometimes also very old furniture.
I met her at a flea market in Yoyogi Park. 
I crawled out of bed and went straight to the coffee maker.
26963.gargle(うがいする) If you gargle, you wash your mouth and throat by filling your mouth with a liquid, tipping your head back and using your throat to blow bubbles through the liquid, and finally spitting it out.  
Gargling is a good way to fresh your breath. 
26964.morning paper(朝刊)a paper published the night before for distribution in the morning (as opposed to an evening paper) 
I always read the morning paper over breakfast. 
26965.get dressed(服を着る、着がえる)
It takes about five minutes to get dressed un the morning

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News