

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/06)

2023年01月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
29836.sugar and spice you mean that that person is behaving in a kind and friendly way: 
Her daughter is sugar and spice.
29837.tough cookie (扱うのが難しい人;簡単には傷つかない人;面倒臭い人;自分の意志がしっかりしている人 )    informal someone who is clever and successful, and knows how to get what they want 
Mr Kinnock is clearly a tough cookie. 
29838.leave out((…を)省く、除外する、(…を)無視する、忘れる  )to not include someone or something/to feel that you are not accepted or welcome in a situation 
Kidd has been left out of the team. 
29839.infantile  (幼児のような、子供らしい、子供じみた、幼稚な、幼児(期)の、子供の ) infantile behaviour seems silly in an adult because it is typical of a child 類義語 childish 
The word which he speaks is infantile
29840.throw someone off   (狂わせる / 気が散る )a long thin pointed piece of ice hanging from a roof or other surface 
That fire alarm threw me off. Can I redo my speech? 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/05)

2023年01月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
29831.come a long way   (大きな発展・進歩・成長を遂げる )to have made a lot of progress 
Congratulations! You have come a long way since opening your first one. 
29832.may(50%程の可能性)  if something may happen or may be true, there is a possibility that it will happen or be true but this is not certain 
He may call you later. 
29833.might (30%程の可能性  )if something might happen or might be true, there is a possibility that it may happen or may be true, but you are not at all certain 
She might join us for dinner tonight. 
29834.Just because~, doesn’t mean~   (〜だからといって〜とは限らない  )
Just because he’s half American, doesn’t mean that he can speak English. 
29835.Just because  (ただ何となく )spoken used to say that, although one thing is true, it does not mean that something else is true 
 I don’t know. Just because. I thought you might like them. 


2023年01月04日 | 爺英語

People here in Japan are reflecting on what kind of year 2022 has been.
And many have chosen the kanji character meaning “war” or “battle” as the one best symbolizing the past 12 months.
Kanji are the ideograms used in written Japanese, adapted from Chinese characters.
A Kyoto-based association promoting the use of kanji conducts the poll every year.
It announced the result with a calligraphy performance at Kiyomizu Temple in the city.
Association officials say Russia's invasion of Ukraine dealt a psychological blow to many people, who are also wrestling with higher prices and the weaker yen.
The officials also cite Japan's fierce battles in international sports events, such as its victories over Germany and Spain in the men's FIFA World Cup group round.

reflect on  ~についてよく考える、熟考する、反省する   
ideogram 表意文字、表意記号   a written sign, for example in Chinese, that represents an idea or thing rather than the sound of a word → hieroglyphics 
calligraphy  書道  the art of producing beautiful writing using special pens or brushes, or the writing produced this way
wrestle wit  ~と戦う(闘う)、(困難な問題などに)取り組む    to try to understand or find a solution to a difficult problem 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/04)

2023年01月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
29826.feast  (宴会、饗宴(きようえん)、(手の込んだ)ごちそう  ) a large meal where a lot of people celebrate a special occasion → banquet /
My mom made an amazing feast tp celebrate my dad’s retirement.
29827.get -together  (ちょっとした集まり、内輪のパーティ)  a friendly informal meeting or party 
We are having a get-together to celebrate the end of the project. 
29828.another (別の物 )one more person or thing of the same type 
Could you show me another?
29829.others (ほかの物をいくつ)
Could you show me others?
29830.the others  (残り全部)
Could you show me the others

徒然草 第百八十五段

2023年01月03日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/03)

2023年01月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
29821.off  (休みで ) not at work, school etc because you are ill or on holiday → absent 
I have Tuesday and Wednesdays off at my new job.
29822.pause  (一時停止する、間を入れる)    to stop speaking or doing something for a short time before starting again 
Could you pause the movie? I have to go the bathroom. 
29823.take five (一休みする)spoken used to tell people to stop working for a few minutes 
We've made a lot of progress. Let's take five.
29824.and things like that(and things like that
We visited temples, castles and things like that. We did all the touristy stuff. 
29825.terrible  (恐ろしい、怖い、ものすごい、ひどい、つらい )extremely severe in a way that causes harm or damage 類義語 horrible, awful 
My handwriting is terrible. i can 7teven read what I wrote. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/02)

2023年01月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
29816.It could happen to anyone.  (他人事ではない  )
Oh, don't beat yourself up about it, it could happen to anyone
29817.I wonder if I should   ((何をするべきか)悩む/迷う )  
I wonder if I should get the white shirt or the black one 
29818.I have a dilemma  ( I have a dilemma )a situation in which it is very difficult to decide what to do, because all the choices seem equally good or equally bad 
Do you have a minute? I have a dilemma
29819.I’m having second thoughts about   (〜について悩んでいます/迷っています  )
Are you having second thoughts about taking that job offer? 
29820.I’m torn between A & B  (AとBのどちらにしようか(板挟みになって)迷う/悩む )
I’m torn between taking Andrew or Mike to the baseball game.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/01)

2023年01月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
29811.euphemism   (婉曲表現)a polite word or expression that you use instead of a more direct one to avoid shocking or upsetting someone 
 "Pass away" is a euphemism for "die." 
29812.out of respect for  (に対する敬意から, …に敬意を表して )  
He went to law school out of respect for his father's wishes  
29813.let go to dismiss from a job
The secretary didn't work out, so her boss told her she was being let go
29814.stipulate  (規定する、明記する )if an agreement, law, or rule stipulates something, it must be done 類義語 state 
The low stipulate the minimum wages. 
29815.enact  (制定する)a long thin pointed piece of ice hanging from a roof or other surface 
The government enacted anew tax law.