ヒロ前田先生の『TOEICテスト 究極の模試 600問』をやり直しています。もう10周くらいしているのですが、それでもまだ解答に一瞬迷う問題があったりして、この模試の完成度の高さに感心してしまいます。
right off the bat
ex.) I asked him to help, and he said yes right off the bat.
touch base with ~
・・・to talk with someone in order to find out what is happening about something
ex.) It's is important to touch base with our allies in this issue.
a ballpark figure
・・・a number that is almost but not exactly correct
ex.) Could you give me a ballpark figure for rebuilding the offices?
throw ~ a curve
・・・to surprise someone by doing something unexpectedly
ex.) He threw me a curve when he called me into his office to offer me a raise.
TEST 1 のリーディングセクションに right off the bat という表現が出てきますが、とても懐かしく思いました。アメリカのnational pastime(国民的娯楽)の一つである野球。ワシントン大学留学時代に授業の一環で、野球関連の単語を使ったイディオムを習う機会があり、right off the bat もその時に覚えたからです。
right off the bat
ex.) I asked him to help, and he said yes right off the bat.
touch base with ~
・・・to talk with someone in order to find out what is happening about something
ex.) It's is important to touch base with our allies in this issue.
a ballpark figure
・・・a number that is almost but not exactly correct
ex.) Could you give me a ballpark figure for rebuilding the offices?
throw ~ a curve
・・・to surprise someone by doing something unexpectedly
ex.) He threw me a curve when he called me into his office to offer me a raise.
Safeco Field には足繁く通いました。イチローと佐々木のプレーを生で観戦できた訳ですから、貴重な時間でしたね。