751.refer to(呼ぶ)
We refer to our country as a nation of middle-class people
752.dig up(かき集める)
Irate residents tried to dig up dirt on Senator A.
753.lead off with(口火を切る)
What have you dug up on media,leading off with television.
Top management gave the nod for a new plant in West Virginia.
Television commercials display the product,as well as plug it.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

We refer to our country as a nation of middle-class people
752.dig up(かき集める)
Irate residents tried to dig up dirt on Senator A.
753.lead off with(口火を切る)
What have you dug up on media,leading off with television.
Top management gave the nod for a new plant in West Virginia.
Television commercials display the product,as well as plug it.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News