Many Japanese companies are not the monoliths that they once were.
757.prime time(ゴールデンタイム、ゴールデンアワー、テレビの視聴率が最も高い時間帯)
Around half of the U.S Hispanics who tune in to prime-time TV are watching programs that are telecast in Spanish.
We watched a live telecast of baseball game.
The old cathedral was part of our cultural heritage.
760.tune in to(チャンネルを合わせる )
I tuned in to a program of politics
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Many Japanese companies are not the monoliths that they once were.
757.prime time(ゴールデンタイム、ゴールデンアワー、テレビの視聴率が最も高い時間帯)
Around half of the U.S Hispanics who tune in to prime-time TV are watching programs that are telecast in Spanish.
We watched a live telecast of baseball game.
The old cathedral was part of our cultural heritage.
760.tune in to(チャンネルを合わせる )
I tuned in to a program of politics
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News