741.sit up and take notice(強い興味を示す)
One should sit up and take notice of this new Japanese actor.
He scored a resounding election win over a Communist rival.
743.bind together(結合する)
Protons and neutrons bind together to form an atomic nucleus.
The only salient point raised in the meeting was by Dad.
745.lump together(ひとまとめにする、一括する、一緒にする、十把一絡げにする)
It is a big mstake to lump us all together.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

One should sit up and take notice of this new Japanese actor.
He scored a resounding election win over a Communist rival.
743.bind together(結合する)
Protons and neutrons bind together to form an atomic nucleus.
The only salient point raised in the meeting was by Dad.
745.lump together(ひとまとめにする、一括する、一緒にする、十把一絡げにする)
It is a big mstake to lump us all together.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News