4566.hold in abeyance(~を一時未決にしておく、~を中止にしておく、~を未定にしておく)
The company's plan to build a new factory is being held in abeyance.
4567.as good as it gets(最高に素晴らしい)
This is as good as it gets! I've never seen such a beautiful mountain.
4568.touch base with(~と連絡を取る)
I spent the morning on the phone touching base with new friends.
4569.just in case(念のため)
Just in case you didn't know yet, her website is gone for good.
Should this reminder have crossed in the mail, please ignore this note.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

The company's plan to build a new factory is being held in abeyance.
4567.as good as it gets(最高に素晴らしい)
This is as good as it gets! I've never seen such a beautiful mountain.
4568.touch base with(~と連絡を取る)
I spent the morning on the phone touching base with new friends.
4569.just in case(念のため)
Just in case you didn't know yet, her website is gone for good.
Should this reminder have crossed in the mail, please ignore this note.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News