5516.on behalf of(~の代わりに、~に代わって)
I want to say thank you on behalf of my wife.
Most journalists long for an exciting, overseas assignment.
5518.head up(~の頭である、~の長である、~を率いる)
We need a competent person to head up the new department.
5519.sea change(大転換、180度の転換、著しい変化、大変貌)
World War II brought about a sea change in people's thinking about racism.
5520.in a broader context(もっと広い意味では)
She told ABC's This Week that the hostage-taking must be seen in a broader context.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I want to say thank you on behalf of my wife.
Most journalists long for an exciting, overseas assignment.
5518.head up(~の頭である、~の長である、~を率いる)
We need a competent person to head up the new department.
5519.sea change(大転換、180度の転換、著しい変化、大変貌)
World War II brought about a sea change in people's thinking about racism.
5520.in a broader context(もっと広い意味では)
She told ABC's This Week that the hostage-taking must be seen in a broader context.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News