My apologies for the hassle.
5587.a while ago(しばらく前に)
She's so moody. She was crying a while ago, but now she's smiling.
She is curious about her daughter's activities.
5589.watch out for(~に注意する)
Watch out for slowing traffic if you're headed into Kurashiki.
5590.pop up(急に飛び出す、ポンと飛び上がる)
A new website has popped up.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

My apologies for the hassle.
5587.a while ago(しばらく前に)
She's so moody. She was crying a while ago, but now she's smiling.
She is curious about her daughter's activities.
5589.watch out for(~に注意する)
Watch out for slowing traffic if you're headed into Kurashiki.
5590.pop up(急に飛び出す、ポンと飛び上がる)
A new website has popped up.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News