The Long And Winding Road- The Beatles lyrics
Typically in those stories, a handsome prince on a white horse comes to the rescue of a beautiful princess.
They will start living together in March, but will lead a busy newlywed life for a while. one's wit's end(途方に暮れて)
I am at my wit's end with him.
8954.more or less(ほとんど)
You're forced more or less to get into using the computer and surfing the web.
He had no prospect of getting any money.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Typically in those stories, a handsome prince on a white horse comes to the rescue of a beautiful princess.
They will start living together in March, but will lead a busy newlywed life for a while. one's wit's end(途方に暮れて)
I am at my wit's end with him.
8954.more or less(ほとんど)
You're forced more or less to get into using the computer and surfing the web.
He had no prospect of getting any money.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News