J.S.バッハ / 平均律クラビーア曲集第1巻第1番BWV.846
9486.work things out(事・問題をうまく処理する)
Sound like you two have worked things out just fine.
9487.prove to be(~であることがわかる)
The new movie has proven to be a hit.
In fact,we're happy to have jobs, period,what with reccession life.
9489.speaking of which(そういえば◆相手の話した全文を受けて)
Speaking of which, I understand that the downturn in the economy has plased more women.
He has to maintain his role asbreadwinner his neighbors.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

My Garden
Sound like you two have worked things out just fine.
9487.prove to be(~であることがわかる)
The new movie has proven to be a hit.
In fact,we're happy to have jobs, period,what with reccession life.
9489.speaking of which(そういえば◆相手の話した全文を受けて)
Speaking of which, I understand that the downturn in the economy has plased more women.
He has to maintain his role asbreadwinner his neighbors.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

My Garden