We need to cover the highest projection.
10627.best-case scenario(最良の筋書、ベストケース」)
In the best-case scenario, we'll need 100,000 a month.
10628.line up(調整する、確保する)
You want to line up a supply from a different site.
10629.out of the blue(突然に)
I don't want to contact a factory out of the blue.
10630.throw someone for a loop(好ましくない意味で人を驚かせる、困惑させる)
Tom's sudden resignation really threw me for a loop.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第五十三番須賀山圓明寺/愛媛県松山市(2010/09/05)
We need to cover the highest projection.
10627.best-case scenario(最良の筋書、ベストケース」)
In the best-case scenario, we'll need 100,000 a month.
10628.line up(調整する、確保する)
You want to line up a supply from a different site.
10629.out of the blue(突然に)
I don't want to contact a factory out of the blue.
10630.throw someone for a loop(好ましくない意味で人を驚かせる、困惑させる)
Tom's sudden resignation really threw me for a loop.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第五十三番須賀山圓明寺/愛媛県松山市(2010/09/05)